My Homage To The Mountains That Made Me 'Me.' In All Its 360 Video Virtual Reality Glory!

Wasim Muklashy Photography_Pacific Ocean_Sunset_Santa Monica Mountains_California_Samsung NX1_ SAM_4221_1800px.jpg

This one is very very dear to my heart. When I made the choice to move up to the Pacific Northwest a few months ago, I knew that I had to pay homage to the Santa Monica Mountains - the mountains that made me ‘me.’

So I figured during my final weeks living in the Santa Monica Mountains, I’d take along a 360˚ VR video camera on the remainder of my hikes and excursions and cut together my gift back to the mountains…hoping it’ll get at least a few more people to discover the magic of those hills, and a conscious relationship with nature in general. Because if there’s one thing I’m 100% sure of, it’s that no one would regret a single second of it.

No question about it, that range played one of the most pivotal roles in the development from one version of me to another. From living in the city all my life, the transition from a destructive reactionary existence to one where I suddenly found myself with the luxury to process my thoughts and existence and directions was the greatest gift life could have given me at that stage. I learned more about who I was and the relationship I wanted to have with myself, my environment, and the people that I choose to surround myself with, that at any point in my life, and I attribute it all to being in those mountains. Furthermore, it was being up there that re-kindled my love for photography as a means of capturing, savoring, and sharing the ‘special,’ and that has essentially guided my path since.

Anyhow, you can watch the video below in YouTube and drag around to see everything in all directions at all times, but the best way to enjoy it is definitely in a Virtual Reality headset for a fully immersive experience (just make sure to sit in a swivel chair...). If you've got a Google Cardboard, hit the little headset icon in the bottom right of the screen on your mobile device, if you've got a Samsung Gear VR, use this link:

Thank you Santa Monica Mountains Recreation Area, Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council, National Park Service, California State Parks, Malibu Creek State Park Docents and all those who contributed to my journey, inside and out. 



For more of the jibber jabbers and wabber wibbers, catch me at:
instagram: @wasimofnazareth 
ello: @wasimofnazareth 
google+: +WasimMuklashy

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